By making small changes to our daily habits, we can create a world in which no species will live at the expense of another.

our vision 

To put an end to the exploitative use of farmed animals and promote an empathetic relationship between humans and all nonhuman animals.

our mission
To raise awareness about the harms of animal agriculture and the consumption of animal flesh through education, public outreach and legal advocacy, ultimately encouraging a collective transition to a plant-based diet.

Ενημερώνουμε για τα ευεργετικά οφέλη του βιγκανισμού όχι μόνο ως τρόπο διατροφής, αλλά και ως τρόπο ζωής. Αναφέρουμε τους ηθικούς, περιβαλλοντικούς και οικονομικούς λόγους για τους οποίους θα πρέπει κάποιος να αποφύγει την κατανάλωση σάρκας θηλαστικών, πουλερικών και ψαριών. Δίνουμε τις λύσεις που θα κάνουν την καθημερινότητά μας πιο εύκολη, την σωματική και ψυχική μας υγεία καλύτερη.
Non – human animals have the right to live free of suffering and share the planet in harmony with us. Their exploitation and abuse is immoral and unjustified. The subjection of innocent beings to calculated violence and constant suffering cannot be tolerated in the modern world. Our goal through this initiative is to raise awareness about the effects of meat and animal by-product consumption, on animals, human health and the environment. An integral part of this effort is the promotion of an alternative way of life, which is based on respect for all sentient beings and the rejection of anthropocentric worldviews.
The global meat industry’s value was estimated at $ 673.8 billion in 2019, and is projected to reach $ 1032.7 billion by 2024. 
The global dairy market’s value was estimated at $ 673.8 billion in 2019 and is expected to reach 1 trillion by 2024.
It is worth noting that without the subsidies provided by governments, both industries are so costly that they wouldn’t be viable.
Due to the massive amount of money and stakeholder interests involved, these industries have come up with various ways to cover up the unbearable reality of their existence.
In actual fact, slaughterhouses are legal killing centers that do everything in their power to hide the fact that all that remains of the living beings who enter their premises, are their mutilated body – parts which are carefully packaged and ready for human consumption. 

Why Vegan?

Our Approach

Respecting animals is of the utmost importance since if we don’t, we must face the economic, environmental and moral aftermath of our decision.
Through our initiatives we want to make our world a better place, having a positive impact on animals, the environment and our health.
The exploitation and mass killing of animals are not the only reasons to adopt a vegan lifestyle. Nevertheless, for the majority of us, animal suffering is the driving force behind our decision to become vegan. Through our emotional attachment to our companion animals, we are able to extend our empathy toward all sentient beings and recognize their right to a life free of suffering and exploitation. The most effective and obvious way to stand up for animals’ rights and against animal cruelty, is through the avoidance of all animal – derived products.

Meat production and its by-products cause significant harm on the environment – from crops and water needed to feed farmed animals, to the transportation and processing that takes place before the product reaches our table. The enormous amount of feed required for meat production is the primary cause of deforestation, as a result of which natural habitats are lost and thousands of species are pushed to extinction. In Brazil alone, the equivalent of 5.6 million acres is used to grow soybeans for animals in Europe. As a result of large foreign corporations taking advantage of low – cost countries in the developing world, local farmers are forced to work for these companies instead of growing food for themselves, and often suffer from malnutrition.   

On the contrary, maintaining a vegan diet requires significantly lower amounts of crops and water, making the transition to veganism one of the easiest, most enjoyable, and most effective ways to reduce our environmental footprint.

(Source: The Vegan Society)

A well planned vegan diet can provide us with all the nutrients our body needs. Both the British Dietetic Association and the American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recognize that vegan diets are suitable for every age and stage of life. 

Researches have linked the vegan diet to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels and lower rates of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancer. Also, becoming vegan is a great opportunity to learn more about diet and cooking and, ultimately to improve your eating habits. Getting your nutrients from plants allows more room for healthy choices, such as whole grains, fruits, nuts, seeds, and vegetables, which are high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

(The Vegan Society)

Exploitation and mass killing of animals are not the only reasons to adopt veganism. For many people though, these are key factors in their decision to adopt this way of life. Emotional attachment to animals is also vital since many believe that all sentient beings have a right to life and freedom. In any case, avoiding animal products is one of the most obvious ways in which you can take a stand against cruelty to animals and their global exploitation.

Meat production and its by-products cause significant harm to the environment – from crops and water needed to feed the animals, to transportation and processing that takes place until the meat is served to our plate. The enormous amount of food required for meat production, causes deforestation. As a result, we harm our natural habitat and drive many species to extinction. In Brazil alone, the equivalent of 5.6 million acres is used to grow soybeans for animals in Europe. A domino effect is on the rise since this practice causes the malnutrition of people in developing countries. Poor farmers are forced to grow animal food for foreign companies, instead of growing products they need for themselves. On the other hand, significantly lower amounts of crops and water are required to maintain a vegan diet, making the transition to veganism one of the easiest, most enjoyable, and most effective ways to reduce our environmental footprint.
(Source: The Vegan Society)

A well calculated vegan diet can provide us with all the nutrients our body needs. Both the British Dietetic Association and the American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recognize that vegan diets are suitable for every age and stage of life. Researches have linked the vegan diet to lower blood pressure and cholesterol and lower rates of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancer. Also, becoming vegan is a great opportunity to learn more about diet and cooking and, ultimately, to improve your eating habits. Getting your nutrients from plants allows more room for healthy choices, such as whole grains, fruits, nuts, seeds, and vegetables, which are high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals.
(The Vegan Society)

If we keep contributing to animal cruelty, it is only a matter of time before we destroy the future of our own species, which has already been jeopardized. Unfortunately, the extreme violence and needless killing of trillions of animals will continue, until we do something about it. 
Now is the time to become the voice of the voiceless!
There is a reason why schools don’t plan visits to slaughterhouses and why parents feel uneasy when their children ask them how meat is made. There is a reason why most of us feel disgusted watching videos of animal slaughter online. There is a reason why most slaughterhouse workers suffer from post-traumatic stress and other mental disorders. There is a reason why the meat served on our table looks nothing like the animal that was brutally killed to produce it.

The common reason for each of these paradoxes, is that for us to guiltlessly enjoy a piece of steak, we must first apply several methods which enable us to avoid the connection between animals and meat. Each time this disconnection is erased, we are forced to open our eyes to the truth and question everything we have learned since we were children, renouncing  the system that has been a part of our lives for so long, making it seemingly impossible to let it go.

At APA, we aim to help as many people as possible make the connection and stop contributing to animal suffering, through the adoption of a vegan lifestyle and the use of their consumer power, to ultimately bring forth a world in which all forms of life are valued and respected.

If the slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would become a vegetarian
Paul McCartney