

A revealing photo exhibition on animal treatment by humans, based on the book "HIDDEN" by the he award-winning photojournalist Jo-Anne McArthur.
The exhibition
The workshop
Jo-Anne McArthur
Jo-Anne McArthur is an award-winning photo journalist who has been documenting the lives of animals for two decades. She has traveled to more than 60 countries to photograph their treatment by humans for her non-profit photography agency, We Animals Media. She is the author of three books: We Animals, Captive, and HIDDEN: Animals in the Anthropocene. She has received honors such as, Wildlife Photographer of the Year, Nature Photographer of the Year, BigPicture, International Images of the Year (POYI) and the World Peace Photography Award. Jo-Anne's work has been published in hundreds of media outlets. Her work is available for free to anyone who supports animals through the We Animals Media website. She is from Toronto, Canada.